28 December, 2010

Barbara, Body Attack

Wow my thighs are killing me.  I guess that means I worked them out!  Well I ended up not getting in two CF workouts today.  To be honest I didn't go to bed early enough last night and when the alarm rang this morning I thought to myself, I COULD get up but I'm comfy.  Don't worry that doesn't happen very often with me.  Luckily for me though, I forgot about the Body Attack class today so I still was able to reach my goal of having two workouts today.  The only problem was in order to get to Body Attack at the clocktower Gold's, I would have to do my CF workout AT Gold's which I really didn't want to do.  As I have expressed before, I feel that golds should not be called Gold's Gym but Gold's Classes.  I absolutely love the classes they offer (not just the Les Mills), but I do not like how little room there is on the actual gym floor.  Everywhere you turn, there is a machine and I do not like machines!!!  Free weights is where it's at.  I assure you.  The only machines I use is a treadmill, stair-master, elliptical, and a rowing machine.  Just give me a pull-up bar with dip handles high enough to hang my rings (yes rings), dumbbells, kettlebells, jump rope, bosu ball, medicine balls, squat rack, and I'm happy.  In truth you don't even need that.  Trust me your body weight can and will do more than enough to work you out as shown in my first workout today.


Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats

Rest precisely three minutes between each round.

Total Times: 3:36, 3:50, 3:58, 4:41, 4:19

See?  The only thing needed for this workout is a pull-up bar.  I assure you, it is a good workout.  I burned 380 calories so says the heart rate monitor.  Now as far as the fourth round; I don't know what the heck happened.  My arms completely gave out on the pull-ups.  It took forever to finish them.  The rest of that set went fine.  I wasn't sure if I was even going to beat that time for my fifth set!  I was happy to see that I did.  Not without pushing hard but that's the point!

My second workout was one of my favorite classes, Body Attack.  It is:

"A Les Mills Program
Is the sports-inspired cardio workout for building strength and stamina. This high-energy interval training class combines athletic aerobic movements with strength and stabilization exercises"

In short, a whole lot of fun!  Now I finished my CF workout at 1715.  Body Attack was at 1730.  As if 250 squats were not enough from the first workout, we did more squats, lunges, and then some to just completely destroy whatever was left in my legs.  We also did.....more push-ups yay!  I was DONE after the class was over which is exactly what I was looking for. 720 calories burned for this class.

So lets see, I burned 1100 calories just working out.  This doesn't include the calories I burned from my BMR (Basic Metabolic Rate).  BMR is "the amount of daily energy expended while at rest is a neutrally tempered environment."  In other words, just by being alive and not doing anything but the normal routine things like breathing, you burn calories.  For those interested here is a calculator to find out your BMR.
1100 plus my BMR is about 2700 calories (I subtract 200 from what the calculator says).  I have consumed 1781 calories of food.  That leaves me with -919 calories consumed today.  Woo hoo!  Of course the numbers are estimates not exact but I know I did what I was supposed to do today.  Great day!

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