15 August, 2011

15 August 2011

Well today was my first of many into CFSB.  Whoa.  I definitely got worked out for sure.  I rather enjoyed myself.  I guess that is an unfair statement because I enjoy all of my workouts.  Maybe not during the workout, but after for sure.

Back Squat 5 x 3

225, 245, 255, 265, 275 (1)

I did try for the second 275 and I did get down, I just couldn't get back up.  I let go of my core and I knew it was done after that.  I'm telling you it makes a huge difference when the weight is heavy if you don't have your core active.  I was looking to finish the three but hey have to start somewhere.


1 Power Clean and Jerk 115#
1 Round Cindy
2 Power Clean and Jerk 115#
1 Round Cindy
3 Power Clean and Jerk 115#
1 Round Cindy
4 Power Clean and Jerk 115#
1 Round Cindy
5 Power Clean and Jerk 115#
1 Round Cindy
Time: 7:54

For those who do not know, Cindy is 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats.  I don't really count this time because while on the 3rd round, I was getting ready to start Cindy (this is why I don't like the globo gym!) and someone came over and took the bar.  Crap!  Not kidding all bars for pull-ups were taken.  So I stopped the clock (30-40 seconds).  What can I use hmmmm.  Oh I know!  Since I was at a squat rack I grabbed the bar for the cleans and popped it on the rack hit the time then got on with the pull-ups on the bar.  Yeah the bar wasn't very high so I actually kept my legs in front of me indian style and I ended up doing strict pull-ups.  It was still fun!  no way was I not going to finish just because a standard pull-up bar wasn't available are you kidding me?!  I look forward to the next time this workout comes up because I plan on ripping it up.

Once that was done I worked on headstands and I have made progress!  Very happy indeed.  Finally headed over to a yoga class to see what that is all about.  I am in need of more stretching and I figured that would be the place to do it.  Yep I was right about that.  It also showed how not flexible I am!

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