24 July, 2011

24 July 2011

My apologies for not posting the WOD that was done at the box yesterday I was not able to access a computer.  So yesterday at the box was the free workout that is available to anyone regardless if you are a member or not.  It is a great time to bring your friends or if you have been debating to find out what CrossFit is about.  We had a team Murph style WOD.

800 m run
100 pull-ups
200 box jumps
300 sit-ups
800 m run
Time: 32:56

With a team of 2, both members run the first 800 m. As soon as either team member finishes the run, they can begin on the pull-ups. Only one team member is allowed to do the exercises at a time. Once 100 pull-ups have been completed between the two members, they can move on to the box jumps again following the same procedure as the pull-ups and for the sit-ups. Once the sit-ups are done, both team members must complete the last 800 m. Clock stops when both team members finish.

I had a great partner and I could not have done it without her!  Tomorrow I will be visiting a new box!  I can't wait to tell you about them.

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