27 October, 2011

26 October 2011

Oh how Diane just absolutely destroyed me.  I mean, seriously.  Obviously my goal was to beat my previous time, but that did not happen.  In fact I was slower!  Now this time though I did do it with the 15# on either side of the ab-mat which is I guess you could say the right way.  Honestly I'm not 100% if it is but I know that is how they do it for the competitions so we will call it that.  It give a whole new degree of getting the HSPU let me tell you.  While yes my time did go down, in a way this was a different workout and as such, it in a way can be treated as a base line.....I still wanted faster.  That actually brings me to another point.  Yes I was slower and that sucks.  Am I going to sit her and dwell about it?  Heck no.  I did it, I did not do as well as I wanted so what do I need to do?  Work on it.  Practice.  Me complaining about it isn't going to do me a whole lot of good when she rolls back around.  Get better at the HSPU and next time DO better because I will be able to.

Deadlift 225#
Time: 10:08

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