08 November, 2011

04 November 2011

It's no secret that one of my favorite things to do are double unders.  To me, along with box jumps, they are just fun and I can knock them out pretty well.  Now a snatch on the other hand......well it's on my list of "get better" but hey technically everything is on my get better list because there is always room for improvement.  It's a question of how much time I will put into something.  Like I know I need to put more time in for snatches as compared to double unders but with the same effort for both.

Seven rounds of:
35 Double-unders
1 Snatch
Make one snatch attempt per round.
Post time and total of all successful snatches. Do not count missed reps
Total weight: 600#  I snatched at 100# for each round missing the second round.

I was surprised that I missed.  I thought I was ready but I jumped the gun too fast and I did not get under the bar fast enough resulting in me dropping it.  Once I did I stepped back, took a breath and continued.  For the rest of the rounds, I made sure I was READY to lift and not just grabbing and go.

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