12 January, 2011

That's a chipper alright

Yeah.... so pretty sure my right arm is about to fall off.  Which means I need to practice more.  Practice what you might ask?  Well that would be a kipping pull-up!  Today at CrossFit Impavidus, we learned a skill today.  That skill would be a kipping pull-up.  For those that do not know what a kipping pull-up is, see the video below.

Now I have tried kipping pull-ups before but I lose the momentum once I get to the top.  It is a skill I will be working on as it comes in handy when you need to do a lot of pull-ups.  We warmed up with 3 sets of samson stretch, jump rope, something with the shoulders with pvc, OH squat (with pvc), and sit-ups.  On with the WOD:

For Time:

10 Pull Ups
50 Sit-ups
10 Ring Dips
40 Sit-ups
10 Pull Ups
30 Sit-ups
10 Ring Dips
20 Sit-ups
10 Pull Ups
10 Sit-ups

Total Time: 10:20

On the last set of ring dips (one the last rep actually) I dipped but could not get myself back up.  I used a band for the last rep. I've never used a band before but it did help in getting that last rep in.  Can't cheat have to get them all!  This kind of workout is what the coach called a chipper.  Count it as you're chipping away at the reps or the workout is chipping away from you as your progress.....either way.  To no surprise, I had a blast doing this workout.  There was 6 of us for the class tonight.

Well tomorrow I have my physical.  Oh joy I can hardly wait.  I know it is good to get one especially with the amount of time I put in the gym. I need to know what is going on inside my body.  It doesn't mean I have to like it though.  As far as I know everything will check out fine.  We will see.

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