15 May, 2011



For this WOD I used Coach Lori's jump rope.  While I do like the speed ropes very much, I feel that I have more control with the Rx jump ropes.  I liked it so much that I finally broke down and purchased one.  It should be here this Wednesday!

3 rounds for time
50 Double Unders
75 Air Squats
Time: 8:52

Even by the third round I still managed to put 25 double unders together.  Love that rope!  Coach Conan was there and he noticed that I was whipping through the Air Squats.  After we were done, he pulled me to the side and grabbed the squat rack along with a barbell and told me to focus on keeping my upper body straight.  A way to do that, is to get close to the rack and bar then squat with your hands overhead.  You will be forced to stay straight otherwise you will hit the bar.  It makes a difference!


Friday I did not go to the box.  It was my rest day.  Kind of.  I actually went down to the basement and worked on various skills like hand stands (I'm getting better), OH squats, push-ups, sit-ups, air squats, and the burgener warm up.  Stretching too.  I ended up staying down there for two hours.  Time flies when you are having fun!


My thighs were still sore from Thursday.  I think I didn't stretch enough.  Normally these days I don't really get sore.  This WOD wore me out.  I ended up crashing for the rest of the day.  It was a combination of the WOD plus just not getting enough sleep this week.

AMRAP in 15 min. of
Run 100 meter with plate overhead (45 lbs.)
10 burpee pull-ups
15 sit-ups
rest 20 seconds
Total rounds: 5 +14 sit-ups

One sit up shy from 6 rounds!!!!!  I wanted it and was really pushing to get it.  Just one more second....


Headed back to Claude Moore rec center with Emil for some more rock climbing skills practice for me.  I need to remember to look where I am placing my feet and to not just put them wherever.  We did some running and weighted pull-ups.  Got up to 85 lbs.  Also did some bench press which it has been quite some time since I have done those.  I think the last time I did them was when I sprained my ankle.  Anyways did some sets and got up to 185 lbs.  Once that was finished it was pool time again.  Now I may be able to get from one end of the pool to the other but I sure am not doing it efficiently.  Where do I start?  My legs are bending, my head comes all the way out of the water, I don't exhale all the way to when I get my head out of the water, etc.... i.e. practice.

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