02 July, 2012


So it has been just about a year since I posted my 3 years and still bouncing post plus lets face it, I have been slacking like no other.  I thought I would post an update seeing as quite a bit has changed. 

I am now a CrossFit Coach.  I received my Level 1 cert back in September.  I started coaching in January.  I have found a new passion in life.  Never did I think that someone like me would be able to get in shape but that I would be helping others changing their lives for the better.  It's one thing for me to write about my own journey and have it inspire others, but with coaching I'm right at the front lines with these awesome athletes who want to make a change in their life.  It is truly a rewarding experience knowing that I am part of a great team that will help the athletes make this new path.  We have a phenomenal community and I'm proud to be a part of it.

I got my dad to join CrossFit.  Well I should say I got him to try CrossFit and to my surprise, he joined.  I knew he had been slacking with exercising and I thought I would use CrossFit just as a vehicle to get him back to what he normally did.  Didn't think he would actually join.  Not only has he joined, but he has been in a few of the events we have been to.  He is totally a part of the community which is awesome!

I'm still (obviously), a CrossFit junkie.  I still find myself having to force a rest day as I know the importance of them.  I always strive to push myself to the limit and then past that limit each time for a workout.  Admittedly I still have a horrible sweet tooth.  I fear it is something that will honestly never go away but there are tricks to help make the cravings a little less.  Lara bars are the best thing ever!  I still eat cheese (I'm not giving it up) so I guess you can say I'm not paleo.  I stay away from grains, lentils, legumes, soy and honestly I don't have a desire or craving for any of those.  Now does that mean I never eat them?  No not at all.  I just severely limit it.  I actually have a reason why which I will address later.  I do weigh and measure my food in zone portions.  I still have a tendency to look as food as bad and it isn't something I need to enjoy.  Just fuel.  Honestly if I could get away with not eating (meaning if I didn't require food), I totally would.  I'm still paranoid when it comes to my weight and self image.  I think it comes with the territory (for me at least) of remembering how I used to be and how much I don't want to go back there.  It's a work in progress for sure but at least I know I'm not alone and I have a great support system to help me.

I also enlisted in the military (this is why I still have grains every now and again).  I'm counting down the days.  I'd be lying if I didn't say I had a lot of thoughts going around in my head.  No regrets though.  This is something I had planned, and started working on, when I was finishing up high school.  Unfortunately I had an obstacle that prevented me from doing so back then and the thought of ever joining again just fell in the back of my head.  I never thought I would have the opportunity to join again and yet here I am.  It's not often you get a second chance and I refused to let it go to waste.  It will be a huge change from what I am used to but I honestly feel this is the right decision for me.

You may have noticed that this post isn't exactly all about working out as my normal posts are. Thought I might expand on it a little outside of exercise.  We will see.

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