13 July, 2012


So knowing I was not going to make it to the box last nite, I decided to hit the WOD for lunch.  I was also able to get Colleen to stay after she coached so she could WOD with me!  I really wanted to do this WOD (who am I kidding I want to do them all) because this was going to be my first one with my new rope.  Now don't get me wrong, I love my RX jump Rope however, the Rogue SR-1S short handle rope just has a way about it.  It has a very nice spin with the ball bearing they use that what feels to me more fluid. 


50 Double Unders
10 KTE
12 Burpees
Time 5:30

The first round went how I expected to go minus the one miss on the rope.  What I didn't think about was the transition from the burpees to rope, how fast my heart was going to be pumping.  I was not controlling my breathing as well as I should have been and because of that it was messing with my doubles for the second and third round.  I may try this one again as I think I could get this one at 5:15.  Overall it was a great WOD to get done for lunch!

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