10 July, 2012


Sunday was going to be an active rest day but I decided to hit the trail with a friend for a 4 mile run.  Since this was not going to be a timed event, I grabbed the 20# vest.  Not to say I would not have worn the vest had it been timed, but I need to buy a new one.  The one I have is not very good when it comes to running for long distance.  Obviously at this current time, there is no reason for me to buy one but at some point I will upgrade.  There are a crap load of people out on the trail on Sunday morning at 0800.  Mostly cyclists.  I didn't not realise how popular cycling is in the area.  The run was a nice way to start the day.  Now on to the WOD for Monday.......

20 minutes to establish a 1RM Clean and Jerk.

Total: 215# PR Squat clean and split jerk

I was glad that it was not specified as a power clean as I really wanted to see how far I could go as the last time I did this it was 205#.  Of course for the 20 minutes I gradually built up.  I started with 135# for about the first 8 minutes get 1 rep about every minute.  After that I went up to 145# for a couple of sets then 155#, finally moving up to 185#, 195#, 205#.  I was really focusing on getting my hips open (squeezing that butt!) as this appears to be my biggest fault.  When I did hit the clean I felt very solid at the bottom and was confident that I could push for more but my goal isn't just to get a huge PR.  Small gains over a period of time!  I typically will try for 5# more instead of 10# but something told me to just go for it.  I can tell you I'm fairly certain a push jerk would not have sufficed for getting that weight over my head so thanks to Nate on continuing to push me with the split jerk.  I almost celebrated early (I was still in the split) and dropped the bar but I did get my feet back underneath me.  Success!


3 RFT:

20 Power Cleans 95#
20 Hand release push-ups
Time: 5:19

The first set I did unbroken without any problems but I also realised that I was going to need to break up the next two sets if I wanted to push this with very little breaks.  Honestly I was not worried about the power cleans.  I suck at push-ups.  I'm not a huge fan of them simply because they tax the hell out of me and that is more reason for me to just hit the deck and get pushing more. 3 breaths, get back to it.

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