16 January, 2012

Past three days

Saturday 14012012

This was the first mandatory Poolee meeting I had to attend at the Marine recruiters station.  There is a meeting once a month that will involve various things including IST (initial strength test), announcements, trips, etc.  The IST is a mini version of the full PT.  Actually the only thing that is different is the run.  For the IST we run 1.5 miles instead of 3.  So the first thing we did was the pull-ups.  For this, we have to do strict pull-ups.  The max is 20.  I got 19.  19!!  I didn't even get to try for 20 because when I went back down my grip slipped and I fell off the bar.  Where is my chalk?!  After that we headed outside to do crunches.  I find it interesting that we have to do crunches rather than push ups for the pt but hey I just do what I'm told.  The max is 100 in 2 minutes.  I got 88.  I need to make sure to keep myself as small as possible with my shoulders forward to get that 100.  Finally we had to do the run.  Knocked that out in 9:43.  Now if I can keep that pace for a full 3 miles, I would be very happy.  Hell if I can get it in 20 minutes I would be very happy.

Sunday 15012012

Went to the box with a few from the CFI family.  A couple of them were working on their skills assement sheet.  Since I have already finished mine I went ahead and did a strength workout with a metcon right after.  Since my wrist is still sore, I still am doing a de-load phase.

Back Squat (low bar position) 5-5-5-5-5
185# all the way through

I rested about 2.5 minutes between each set.  This was my first time with the low bar position so I wanted to make sure that I was not rushing these and paying attention to my form.  It is a different feeling from the high bar position that's for sure but I actually liked it more.

AMRAP in 10 minutes of

7 Back Squat (low bar position) 135#
25 Double Unders
Total: 9

For this I decided to get some dynamic training in and I used my heavy cable.  Trust me when you are used to a thin cable, it makes a difference.  I actually was shooting for 8 rounds so I was surprised when I counted the chips I had 9.  No complaints!

Monday 16012012

Since I had today off I figured why not get in the the AM class and give myself a shock to the system.  Yeah it definitely was a shock.  I am so not used to lifting heavy things in the morning.  Cardio is one thing, lifting is a whole nother.  That's ok though because while it was a shock, my body took it like it was supposed to.

135# Power Clean
53# KB swing
Time: 7:21

There was an unofficial cap of 10 minutes but in my head, it was official.  I needed to finish by 10 and I was going to.  The weight was not specified other than a medium weight.  As I kept going, I did note that my form was slipping so what did I do?  I stopped.  I took a breathe, collected myself, and got it together.  What's the point if I'm not going to do it right especially if I know I am doing it wrong.  If anything I'm very happy that I could tell.

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