30 March, 2011

Hockey game and WOD

The Punishers win!  We defeated the Monkeys last night.  I really do enjoying playing street hockey.  It is a lot of fun.  Tonight for the WOD we used one of my favorite instruments, the kettlebell!

5 rounds for time
21 KB swings (1.5 pood)
15 Wall ball (20 pounds)
9 Ring dip
Total Time: 12:23

Sadly the kettlebell was substituted for a 50 pound dumbbell.  I still have to sub the ring dips for ring rows due to the thumb but it is feeling better.  It has been two weeks as of today since I took the brace off.  I am happy with the progress so far.  The next 5k is only 10 days away and I just realized I have not had a good CrossFit Endurance session since the last 5k!!  Yikes!  I will have to remedy that.  Today was also the 2nd day of the 100 push-ups program.  Woo hoo 2 days down a lot more to go!  I also decided to try out the 200 sit-ups program just for fun but they are doing crunches not sit-ups.  A nice way to start the morning either way (along with some hollow rock, good mornings, etc)

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